Dear Enemy,
Our leadership in Congress has decided to set a timetable for withdrawal. Please take note that the Fall of 2008 is when you most likely be able to conduct your operations without impediment from our forces in the region. We'd like to remind you that until the Fall of 2008 we will still be able to conduct operations as normal, therefore it would be in your best interest to place a hold on your suicide bombings, IEDs, and the like until said date. This would allow you ample time to build up your infrastructure and logistics to a reasonable level in order to complete your goal of establishing a corridor of operations for terrorists, extremists, and the like, in the Middle East. We wish you the best of luck in your endeavours. Sorry we couldn't stay longer. You know, Democrats and stuff.
The United States
Six had names etched into them, which were translated as Jesus son of Joseph, Judah son of Jesus, Maria, Mariamne (thought to be Mary Magdalene's real name), Joseph and Matthew.
One of the caskets even bears the title, "Judah, son of Jesus," hinting that Jesus may have had a son. And the very fact that Jesus had an ossuary would contradict the Christian belief that he was resurrected and ascended to heaven.
10. Have worn down my mp3 player from using it so much
9. Watched the Federal Government shut down because of 2 inches of snow
8. Completely ignored the walk/don’t walk street signs
7. Have 6 Giant supermarkets within a 5 mile radius of where I live
6. Honked at someone while driving
5. Been honked at while driving
4. Paid too much for rent (over $1000/month for a one bedroom)
3. Left work at 5 p.m. Got home at 6:30 p.m. Traveled 10 miles. Priceless
2. Had a conversation with a homeless guy about the Baltimore Ravens offensive line (he wasn’t a fan)
1. Was asked for metro directions while riding the metro (as if I looked like I knew where I was going)

There are three types of Metro riders in the morning:
1. Sleeping riders (they take little power naps and wake up right before their stop)
2. Reading riders (reading the paper or a book)
3. Zombie riders (its way too early for my peeps so I will stare off into the abyss, this is me)
I have had a great time with Brent, Laura and Savannah . Savannah loves to watch Brent and I play video games! I do miss TN and of course all my family and especially Voldoll. But things are growing on me here and once I have a place to live and a good routine it won't be bad at all.
List of things I have seen or had done to me:
Number of times I have walked by the White House: 6
Number of times I have seen Marine One fly over me (including leaving the White House):
Hours spent on my daily commute (to and from): around 2
Famous people I've seen: 0 -- still waiting on that one
Number of times I've been honked at:
Number of times I've been given the bird:
Number of times I've changed Savannah's diaper:
0 -- not waiting on that one
Update** I got my ID card today. I'm bona fide!
How I voted 2006 style

I voted for Mr. Corker in this one. My reason is simple, I believe the totality of Mr. Corker's experience in the Mayor's office, in private business, and in state government give him the ingenuity and innovation necessary to be a successful Senator. Congressmen Ford turned me off a while back when he called for a withdrawal of troops in Iraq but his most recent behavior is perplexing to say the least. Also his plan for Iraq, to divide the nation into three regions, would unfairly ignore two constitutional referendums and a national election-the entire democratic progress made over three years would be ignored. The plan doesn't take into account how an autonomous Kurdish region would affect the Kurdish population in Turkey and how a Shia region would interact with Iran. Ford is more conservative than most liberals, he is a supporter of the 2nd amendment and also believes marriage is between a man and woman and I liked the fact that he pledged to term limit himself.
John J. Duncan Jr. v. John Greene - U.S. House of Representatives, 2nd District
I voted for Democratic candidate John Greene as a protest vote. Congressmen Duncan has not been supportive of the Iraq war since the beginning and has in fact voted against it and supplemental spending bills several times. Plus he's been in office since I was eight years old, that's plenty of time.
Jim Bryson v. Phil Bredesen - Governor of Tennessee
Easy, Phil Bredesen. He is strong supporter of education. He handled the TennCare crisis well and the man is a genuine hunter and conservationist. He works well with both sides of the aisle and seeks consensus and not partisanship. I like him and I wish Democrats would pay more attention to him. He's a dark horse candidate for the Democratic nomination for President in 2008 and if not then a qualified candidate on anyone's cabinet.
Constitutional Amendment 1 - Tennessee state Constitution
Text reads:
Shall Article XI of the Constitution of the State of Tennessee be amended by adding the following language as a new, appropriately designated section:
SECTION 3. The historical institution and legal contract solemnizing the relationship of one man and one woman shall be the only legally recognized marital contract in this state. Any policy or law or judicial interpretation, purporting to define marriage as anything other than the historical institution and legal contract between one man and one woman, is contrary to the public policy of this state and shall be void and unenforceable in Tennessee. If another state or foreign jurisdiction issues a license for persons to marry and if such marriage is prohibited in this state by the provisions of this section, then the marriage shall be void and unenforceable in this state.
I voted no and do not support this amendment. I believe constitutions exist to limit the powers of government and protect the rights of individuals. A definition of what marriage is has no place in a constitution but rather as a state law. On the flip side would you define what divorce is? Cheating? If we let the Constitution define the marriage aspect of a relationship why not the end of a relationship. A slippery slope is what I worry about. I support marriage between a man and a woman but if gays and lesbians want to get married go ahead, just call is something else.The tally adds up to two votes for Democrats and one for the Republicans and a no vote supporting the Marriage amendment.
Random notes: Yesterday we got four phone calls at my parents house asking us to go and vote, one of which was from President Bill Clinton. How sweet of him. I thought I would have a little fun with it and play a joke on my mom and call the house pretending I was him ask for her to go vote. It went something like this,
Phone rings
Mom: Hello?
Me: Hi there sugar this is President Bill Clinton and I just wanted to call and tell you how important it is for you to go and vote. I myself will be supporting Harold Ford Jr. for Senate and would hope you do the same. He's been to a Playboy bunny party after the Super Bowl and boy would I have loved to have gone to that one. Shoot yeah! Ohhah gotta go, Hillary's here. Go vote honey!
Mom: audible laughter. Barrett is that you! You need to let your father hear this!
Finally, I miss those old fashioned lever-action voting machines where you could hear the gears of democracy in action! Electronic voting machines take away the old fashioned goodness out of the voting process. Sigh.